Reasons to have your central heating serviced in the Summer

Your central heating boiler, one of the unsung heroes of your domestic infrastructure.

It goes about its work day and night, keeping your house warm, delivering hot water on demand, for those cold mornings when you climb out of bed and fall into the shower, safe in the knowledge that you’ll be welcomed by a comfortable warm hug.

A trusty supplier of hot water, warm rooms and comfort…

Until the day it doesn’t do those things!


You wake up and the heating hasn’t come on, the bedroom’s freezing and when you step under the shower, your body is slashed by a thousand icy knives…


The boiler has broken down. ‘Why didn’t I get it serviced in the summer?’ you think.


And there you have it. That’s the main reason why it’s best to get your boiler serviced in the summer but there are a whole bunch of other reasons too.

  1. The weathers usually warm in the summer, warm enough not to have your heating on at all. In fact most households will barely switch the heating on between May and September, unless there’s an unexpected, unusually cold snap and even then it’s usually just a few days and it’s off again. So even if there is a problem when you have it serviced and you can’t use it, you don’t need it anyway.

  2. The fact you’re not using it means there’s plenty of scope to arrange a suitably convenient appointment with the heating engineer, fitting it around their and your diaries.

  3. The engineer’s usually able to plan their diary better, not being called out to unexpected emergencies that need immediate attention and so can plan to come at your convenience.

  4. The fact that there are fewer emergency breakdowns happening means that spares are easier to come by too. There’s nothing worse than trying to get that all important part after your boiler has broken down, only to find out that half a dozen other boilers have suffered the same fate and the part you need has just gone out of stock.

  5. But most of all, the biggest and most important reason to have your boiler serviced in the summer, is that if yours fails in the dead of winter, at a time when it’s under the most pressure because it’s on for several hours of the day, every day and the part you need is out of stock, you’re in for a very uncomfortable few days, shivering in the shower, wearing several layers of clothing in the house and a very grumpy family, all blaming you for not getting it sorted out in the summer, when nobody would have noticed if it was out of action for a week or more.

It’s common sense really but you’d be surprised how many people don’t think about it just because the heating isn’t needed and so it’s out of sight out of mind!

Don’t be caught out. Contact us early and get your boiler service booked in good time. So that when the cold weather returns, as you know it will, you’re happy, safe in the knowledge that your home is winter ready and you’re much less likely to be caught out by unfortunate, unexpected emergencies.

Contact Tor Plumbing Services:

07966 421166


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