7 Easy Ways To Save Money On Your Energy Bills

There can’t be many people in the country right now who haven’t given at least some thought to how they can save money on everyday expenses, given the constant news reports of increasing cost, especially in fuel and energy bills.

Coupled with the disappearance from the market of ‘cheap energy deals’ and huge confusion around who is offering and where to get the best deal, it really does mean we have to take what action we can for ourselves.

So here we’ve pulled together a short list of some of the things you can do in the home to cut down on wasted energy and ways to keep the pounds in your own pocket.

Turn Off Your Standby Appliances

They might not be drawing much energy and newer appliances and equipment are much better than old but turning gadgets off instead of leaving them on standby, can save up to £55 per year!

Wash On A Lower Temperature

Most washing machines have the option to set the wash temperature and detergents are now far more efficient at getting great results from cooler or even cold washes, so taking the time to buy the right products, only run your washing machine once a week with a full load and setting the appropriate cooler wash temperatures can save around £28 per year.

Draught Proof Your Property

This may sound like a big job but there are lots of areas you can take immediate action, like using draught strips around loose fitting door and draught excluders to seal the gap underneath, as well as addressing windows, loft accesses and even keyholes and letter boxes, all add up to a potential saving of around £25 per year.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Installing an easy to use digital thermostat to your home heating system to make sure you're only heating the home when you actually need it means you could save up to £75 per year. This doesn’t mean you have to live in a cold house, as by setting the heating to come on just before you are due to arrive home means you can come home to a lovely warm house.

Choose Energy Efficient Appliances

If you’re in the market for new appliances, make sure you take the time to research the most energy efficient models. This is usually indicated by its EU energy-efficiency rating.

Here’s an indication how much the most energy efficient appliances can save you per year, compared to older, less energy optimised models:

●      Tumble dryer – £106

●      Fridge Freezer - £76

●      Washing machine -  £55

●      Built-in oven - £39

●      Dishwasher - £32

In short, upgrading your old energy thirsty appliances could save you over £300 per year!

Use Low Energy Light Bulbs

We’re all aware of low energy light bulbs but unless the bulb actually fails, many of us just carry on using what we’ve already got.

If you change all your bulbs to low energy, the cost savings can be huge!

LED light bulbs cost around £1.71 a year to run. Over its lifetime, it could save around £180 from your energy bill, compared with traditional bulbs, as LEDs generally have a much longer lifespan too.

Only Boil As Much Water As You Need

Finally, here’s one that most of us forget! Don’t overfill the kettle when you’re boiling water for drinks.

It’s really easy to estimate how much water you’ll need for the number of cups your pouring, so don’t be lazy and fill the kettle each time you boil it and use the water after the first boil, as flicking the switch again because you didn’t use the boiling water straight away, costs a few extra pence each time!

(Cost savings taken from Which? Home & Garden)


Above we’ve given you a few quick tips to save money on your energy bills but the biggie we just couldn’t leave out if you really want to make a big difference, is to replace your old boiler with a new A Rated, Energy Efficient Boiler and you could save anywhere between £195 and £300 per year, every year for the life of the boiler, which really does add up to a huge long term saving.

We’d love to help you save £££’s by installing your new boiler.  Visit our website or drop us a message on 07966 421166 to find out more.



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